I’m back…

Hey friends,

It’s me! Sooz. It’s been over 8 years since I last wrote a blog post at the now prehistoric blogger site “Chinny and Poom”. Remember that little gem? I consider myself one of the pioneers of early Mom blogging. OK, that’s a stretch. I don’t think you’ll see my name under the History of Mom Blogs, but it was in the mid 2000’s that I decided to share a little of my life with the webiverse.

My old blogger header. Circa 2008.

Back then blogging was such a fun and creative outlet for me. Getting your thoughts out ala’ Carrie Bradshaw somehow allowed me to get all the psychobabble out of my head while somehow amusing my small but faithful band of followers.

Initially my main motivation was to be able to keep in touch with my friends and family from afar. Sharing cute pictures of my kids turned into actually writing about my day-to-day musings. It was my outlet. My biggest fan was my Little Korean Mama (otherwise known as LKM on my old blog). She encouraged me to keep writing because she thought I was entertaining. She said she could hear my wacky storytelling voice in her head. I assumed that was a good thing.

So I blogged. For about 4 years. And then I just stopped.  Life threw me some curve balls and a big ole’ case of writers block set in.

The original Chinny and Poom. My tiny dancers during my early blog years.

Here’s where it gets serious for a minute. Right around the time I stopped blogging my Little Korean Mama was diagnosed with stomach cancer. My world suddenly shifted and felt very fragile. And as much as my Mom wanted me to keep writing I all of a sudden was at a loss for words. Now to be clear it wasn’t just LKM’s diagnosis that stopped me in my tracks. At that time I had two little girls who needed my attention, a musician husband that travelled for a living and a pretty busy full time job. Those last three things remain the same. The major changes to my story was that we added a little boy to our family in 2013. And sadly 9 weeks after he was born my beautiful Mama died.

I know…rough. So far this blog isn’t very amusing is it? Well just hang on there. It’s only the first post.

So anywhoo, time kept on ticking in to the future, whether I could handle it or not. My husband, sister and friends kept nudging and encouraging me to start writing again but I wasn’t really ready, until now. And so here I am, juggling this crazy life with three kids, an even busier full time job, a still traveling musician husband, a dog, two cats and virtually zero time to start a blog so I thought…”Hey girl, this seems like a good time to start a blog!”

Hey it’s ME!

I feel more than ever that my normally private self is ready to share my life, my story, my favorites, my everythings…again, so here I am. I am now floating around in my 30’s…ahem…ok 40’s and I really think it’s time for me to do things that feed my soul don’t you think? Hence, this little creative blog to call my own.

One of my goals this year is to do what makes ME HAPPY!

So I’m back. On my own little Sooz soap box. Ready to share away and have fun doing it. I hope you come back. And wherever you are in this big, wide world I hope you’re doing what feeds your soul!


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  1. Aubrey says:

    Glad you’re back!❤️

    1. says:

      Aubrey, Thank you sweet friend! xoxo -S

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