Enough with your inspirational quotes!

If I see one more forking inspirational quote… just kidding! I love them. I admit it! I do.

One of my girlfriends has a tagline for her spray tan business that says “I don’t need your stupid inspirational quote, I just need a spray tan.” It’s hilarious and ya know, some people don’t need a silly quote they literally need eyelash extensions and a spray tan to feel like their best self and that’s awesome man. The human race is a diverse bunch!

But for me, getting inspired sometimes comes from quotes or daily affirmations. Call me a weirdo but I just don’t have the attention span to sit through Brene Browns Ted Talk or the motivation to head to a Tony Robbins event. It’s just not my cup of tea I guess. I do love reading an inspirational book now and then and one that I loved, but admittedly skimmed was Rachel Hollis’ “Girl wash your face”. Some of her messaging was super motivational and I took bits and pieces from her book but at the end of the day we all get inspiration from different things. And MY thing is simply, myself.

Let me explain…I think because I tend to be an introverted hermit (I know, you’re like what? No! But yes, I’m an introvert. We will get into that in a different blog post) I personally somehow have to motivate MY OWN SELF. Call it self talk, call it therapizing (is that a word?) yourself. Whatever it is, I have to get inspired from some weird place within myself.

Now don’t get me wrong I definitely get super inspired by my close friends cheering me on and by my husbands belief that I am so good at so many things (god bless him for thinking that!) But I really need my own brain to click into a thought that just pushes and inspires me. Sounds weird right? What can I say, I’m a total weirdo.

You know all of the “Sooz Quotes” that I create and put on my Instagram feed? Well as much as I hope those words are cheering you on through life the reason why I do it is to cheer myself on.
It’s a message that I might need that week. A little reminder. Or a little funny to make me giggle.  A little love note to my own brain that say’s “Hey girl, you got this! Keep going.” (Funny, as I was typing this I literally heard Ryan Gosling saying “Hey girl…” lol. If only he was my everyday inner voice).

So I hope you don’t judge me and think I’m one of those crazy positive nut jobs who tries to blow rainbows and sunshine up your ass (I kind of am. Sorry). When you see those quotes just know I’m talking to my own damn self trying to self talk my way through this life one positive quote at a time.

And if you’d rather not hear another freaking quote and you just want a good spray tan…well I know a lady and she’s awesome. If you’re in Northern Arizona go see my sweet friend Erica at “It’s always sunny in Flagstaff” and tell her Sooz sent you. 😉

And I’ll leave you with one of my favorite sayings…

xo, Sj

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