That’s right, you read that title correctly…Around YOU! This is for all the planning Mom’s out there.
Fall is right around the corner which is a time when many families start doing family photo shoots for your Holiday cards. (I agree, it can be a dreadful experience but memories ya’ll!)
I’m here to explain why YOU get to wear the BEST clothes in the photo shoot and why your family get’s the affordable bargain duds from Target, Old Navy or wherever you can find cheap but cute clothes.
Here’s the deal, Mom’s you know the drill, it’s time to set up the family photo shoot. You hire the photographer. You finally pick a day that can work for her and for your family. You fret and pray the weather will cooperate. And the biggest thing…you start trying to figure out what the heck you’re all going to wear so you don’t show up looking like the cast of Annie. (you know, 1920’s orphan couture aka a hot, uncoordinated mess).
So because you have to do all of the leg work, in my case styling a family of 5 which is no easy feat, you get to start with YOUR outfit! Starting with you is how you are going to feel a little better about rushing your family around for three hours getting everyones hair ready, and teeth brushed and outfits on, all while listening to their incessant complaining as you’re running around yelling at everyone to hurry up because you’re running late (Every. Single, Year. I speak from experience),
YOU my friend are going to pick your beautiful potentially pricey outfit FIRST because YOU will be the star of the coordinating show.
Mama’s don’t forget, you work damn hard. You grew these humans inside of your own body! You wipe butts and make endless dinners and help them with math you don’t understand so YOU get to take your time and find the right outfit that looks primo bellisimo on you (I’m guessing that’s Italian for very beautiful but I’m too lazy to google that.)
This is the outfit that you look and feel super good in. It may not even be on sale (GASP!) and it can even be a little high end. It’s once a year so go for it Mama! You deserve the splurge. Buy a few outfits and pick the best and then send the others back. Channel the Queen. Or Beyonce. Your preparation is key! It’s all about YOU!

A couple of my fave places to splurge on a nice outfit: I’m a big fan of Lulu’s. They have great dresses (some are affordable actually). I’ve also splurged on an Anthropologie dress (GASP!) We have some sweet boutique stores in our town where I’ve found some gorgeous little numbers like Sagebrush Trading Co.
How to style: So you’ve got your super cute outfit. It fits you like a glove. You feel like a rock star in it. Now you look at the color palette in your outfit and you trek on down to Old Navy. And possibly Target. Maybe even Goodwill. You start with the husband, move down the line kid by kid until you’ve found super affordable, coordinating outfits that match your look.

That’s it. Easy right? Now, you just have to get through all of the complaining and annoyance by people that want to wear extra makeup or do their own hair, or not brush their hair or just hate these photo shoots and have fun wrangling. It will be worth it in the end for that one magical shot that you will make sure is front and center on your Christmas card.
Make it about you Mama’s! YOU deserve it!
P.S. OK, this is partly to share with you all my pride and joy….my family. And also, I haven’t always followed my own advice. Namely when I only had two little girls and I could find them the cutest matchy- matchy outfits. Exceptions to every rule!
P.P.S. With the exception of this last one all photos courtesy of my brilliant pal Tanee at Pretty Please Photography

Amen, mama! Love it!
Love you Mel!!! xoxo, Sooz
Love this and all the beautiful photos!!
Thank you Heidi!!!! xoxo, Sooz